As a Leader and Coach in Shuai-chiao, Dr. Weng led the U.S. Shuai-chiao team in 1992 to Paris, France for the Paris Mayor’s Cup International Shuai-chiao Invitational. The USSA team stunned the world martial arts community by taking 1st place in Team competition. Three years later, Dr. Weng led another team to Paris that came in second only to China. In the winter of 1997, Dr. Weng led a select U.S. Team to the 1st Beijing International Shuaijiao Tournament with 11 countries participating. The team took third place losing only to the two Chinese teams. The team also had two Gold Medal winners, Matt Furey and Kelly Crocker. In 1998, Dr. Weng led another USSA select team to the Paris Cup taking 2nd place behind the Chinese team by one medal.
Dr. Weng has also served in many administrative roles. Among the notable positions are: Head of division of Chinese Martial Arts, Chinese Culture University, R.O.C. Chairman of the 12th Chinese American Athletic Tournament of the Bay Area. This tournament included a Wushu Division that had over 300 competitors including divisions for San shou, Shuai-chiao, and contemporary Wushu with additional athletes in other events totaling 4,000. Dr. Weng is currently the Founding Chairman of the United States Shuai-chiao Association, visiting professor at San Jose State University, President of the Cupertino Kung-fu Club, and Director of the U.S. Self Defense Academy in San Francisco, California. Dr. Weng travels the world teaching Shuai-chiao, Tai-chi, and San-shou as well as certifying judges and instructors. As the highest-ranking principal in the USSA, he is the visionary and Grandmaster of the organization.